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Rasa Tea

There are seven tissues (dhatus) in Ayurveda. They are in order: Lymph, blood, muscle, adipose, bone, nerve/marrow and reproductive tissues.

Each dhatu is successively more complex and intricate than the previous one, and the health of each Dhatu depends in part on the health of the previous dhatu. The health of the first dhatu is Rasa Dhatu, it is the basis of health for all other tissues.

Rasa dhatu encompasses all of the watery fluids of the body (mucous, saliva, lymph, plasma, cerebral-spinal fluid, etc.). Our bodies are comprised of 60% water. Rasa dhatu is very important! The ingredients in Rasa Tea are demulcents, so drinking this beverage promotes the watery tissues of the body.

You can modify this recipe; it’s very adaptable.

In a quart size jar mix together equal parts (100 gram) of fennel (or anise) seeds and

fenugreek seeds. This can be the most that you do. This is Rasa Tea.

To enhance the demulcent quality of this tea—and to round out its flavor—you could

add in lesser amounts (50 gram) of other herbs such as:

• licorice root

• Indian sarsaparilla

• marshmallow root

• flax / chia / hemp seeds

To add more flavor and overall “loveliness,” you could add in a small amount (1 oz.) of:

• lavender flowers

• rose buds/petals

• cinnamon sticks

• fresh ginger slices

• cardamom pods • peppermint leaves

Bring a 4 cups of water to a boil. Turn off the heat, remove the pot from the burner, and add

¼ cup of your mixture, above. Cover the pot and allow to steep for 30 minutes. Strain off the herbs,

drink throughout the day and enjoy.

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