3 Weeks Cleanse for Spring or Fall
Spring 2024
The Mind Yourself Ayurveda Home Cleanse Program is a 21-day guided purification process that you can experience from the comfort of your own home. You will receive daily guidance and support from me. You will also join in on frequent Group Zoom meetings which are held to serve as an open forum, for questions, thoughts, community building, and to create a supportive network with one another and a practitioner throughout the entire purification process.
Ayurveda recommends cleansing at the start of each season to eliminate toxins, or Ama, that may have accumulated during the previous season from food, stress, and other factors. Seasonal Ayurvedic cleanses are rejuvenating and can help restore balance to your body. The program is inspired by traditional Panchakarma Cleanse.
Who can benefit from 3 weeks of Home Cleanse program?
All people can benefit from cleansing to optimize digestion and prevent illness.
The Home Cleanse Program was designed to make sure that you feel supported every step of the way. Group meetings will be held 3 x per week to provide the highest level of support. These meetings will be educational and support your experience. We will address diet changes, body therapies, and herbs.
You will learn how to prepare the classic Ayurvedic cleansing food, kitcheree. You will receive and learn how to spice meals according to the season.
Body therapies in this cleanse are both purifying and tonifying. We will learn how to perform body therapies rooted in Ayurvedic tradition. You will practice these techniques from the comfort of your home
What you can expect from an Ayurvedic cleanse?
Restores a sense of calm to the mind and the nervous system.
Fosters both clarity and being grounded in the mental, spiritual, and emotional spheres.
Nurtures an improved sense of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life.
Supports the maintenance of a healthy body weight.
Helps to restore and maintain balanced sleep cycles.
Promotes regular and balanced elimination.
Helps to recover each individual’s natural state of balance.
Prepares the tissues for deep nourishment and rejuvenation.
Promotes optimal health
No fuss. All the sessions are done through Group Zoom with daily access to your practitioner for 21 days regarding the cleanse.
Organic Tridoshic herbal preparations are included. Kicheree ingredients are not included
Please note: Information included within this site is not intended for use in diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of a disease.