Serves 2
½ cup split yellow mung dhal
½ cup Barley
1 inch fresh ginger, grated
3 inch burdock root, peeled and chopped
½ parsnip (optional)
½ tablespoon dry dandelion root (chopped available in herbal sections of stores)
¼ pound of fresh broccoli
And /or fresh dark leafy greens (Dandelion greens are especially good if you can get them)
1 Tbs. ghee
¼ Tsp of Turmeric
½ Tsp of coriander powder
½ Tsp of coriander seeds
¼ Tsp of black mustard seeds
¼ Tsp cumin seeds
¼ Tsp sea salt
Warm ghee in saucepan. Add cumin, mustard and coriander seeds. Sauté until mustard seeds pop. Add turmeric and split bung beans and stir-sauté 30 seconds. Add 2.5 cups of water and barley, then burdock, dandelion and ginger.
Bring to boil, then cook covered over medium heat for 40 minutes or until barley is tender. Add additional 2 cups of water to keep the kicheree moist, stirring occasionally to prevent from sticking from the bottom. Wash and chop the broccoli or greens. Fifteen minutes from serving, add the vegetables, salt and coriander powder. Stir, cover and cook another 10-15 minutes more.
Comments: This kicharee is mildly diuretic, as well as being a chologogue (liver-bile stimulator). Shiitake mushrooms can be added if you are recovering from an infection. The parsnips are added primarily to sweeten and cool the dish.