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Cilantro Chutney

Esther Seegers

3 cups of cilantro

1 cup of water

1 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut

½ small green chili, chopped

1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped fine

1 tablespoon of ghee

½ tsp cumin seeds

½ tsp black mustard seeds

1 pinch hing (optional)

4 curry leaves, fresh or dried

½ fresh lime

½ tsp of salt

Wash the cilantro leaves and remove the stems. Put in a blender along with the water, coconut, chili and ginger.

Blend at a high speed until well mixed and a finely ground paste. It may be necessary to stir it down several times.

Heat a saucepan on medium and add the ghee, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, hing and curry leaves. Cook until seeds pop. Cool and mix well into the cilantro paste.

Squeeze in the juice of the lime, add the salt and stir gently.

Eat a dab with each bite of food.

Store in the refrigerator. Good for 2-3 days.

This recipe is balancing for tridosha. Pitta might want to decrease the chili salt and mustard seeds even though cilantro is very cooling.

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