• 1 lb. of okra, chopped • 1 Tbsp. ghee or butter oil • 1 tsp. of cumin seeds • ½ tsp. of black mustard seeds • ¼ tsp. of turmeric • 1 small green chili, slit in the middle • ¼ tsp. of sea salt
Wash, clean and dry okra. Chop off the bottom and top ends of the okra.
Cut okra round and ¼ inch size.
Heat oil in a pan and add the cumin and mustard seeds.
Once the seeds pop add green chili and sea salt.
Now add the okra and turmeric.
Cover and cook for 15 minutes or until okra is soft.
Stir once in a while to make sure it does not stick.
Serve with warm roti and dal/lentil soup.
Sweet/Cold/Sweet VP-K+
Okra: Demulcent, emollient, diuretic, alterative, aphrodisiac, tonic Okra is indicated with painful or burning urine, diarrhea, intestinal disorder, inflamed or spastic colon, diverticulitis stomach ulcers or fevers